Candle Care!

Do you know the best way to care for candles? Our friends at Hazel Candle Company recommend the following: Cut the wick to 1/4” before relighting to prevent soot and debris in your wax. Place your candle on a flat surface and out of reach of children and pets. Never leave a lit candle unattended. Keep the lid on when not in use to help lock in the fragrance and to keep the candle from drying out.

My Chic Farmhouse has one last tip for the candle lover. If you love the vessel your candle came in, you can reuse it as a vase. When you are no longer able to burn the candle, place the container in the freezer for a few hours. The wax will become hard. Take the container out and with a butter knife remove the wax. Wash the container, place flowers in it and you now have a pretty vase with flowers in it!